Occupational Therapy Assistant Degree

Occupational therapists assist people trying to overcome challenges that hinder their personal or career development. They frequently assist children struggling with developmental disabilities, which could include autism, learning disabilities, and attention deficit problems. Occupational therapists also frequently work with people recovering from serious injuries, strokes, and other health problems.

To practice professionally as an occupational therapist, one must earn a master's degree, complete a six month internship, and satisfy various licensing requirements. About 50 percent of accredited schools offering occupational therapy master's degree programs permit students to complete a joint bachelor's and master's program that can be completed in 5-6 years. In addition to occupational therapy, many aspiring occupational therapists earn bachelor's degrees in psychology, sociology, anthropology, and biology.

With an associate or bachelor's degree in occupational therapy students can prepare to become a occupational therapist assistants. Occupational therapist assistants have many of the same responsibilities as occupational therapists.

Explore degree programs in occupational therapy and occupational therapist assisting that are available online or at campus locations nationwide.

Occupational Therapy Programs

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