EMS & Paramedic Degree

During medical emergencies, Emergency Medical Service (EMS) specialists, along with paramedics, provide life saving medical procedures and transport sick and injured people to the hospital. To become an EMS specialist or paramedic, you must have at least a high school diploma, complete an EMS or paramedic training program, and pass a licensing test.

Certification programs and degrees at all levels are available in fire, emergency, EMS, and paramedic services. Many schools offer programs that can be completed online. Programs are available for current paramedics interested in beginning careers as EMS managers, emergency medical technicians (EMTs), or registered nurses.

Graduates of paramedic, EMT - intermediate, EMT - basic, and first responder certification and degree programs are qualified to be licensed in most states. EMTs are often responsible for providing life saving treatments when responding to serious accidents.

EMS and Paramedic Programs

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