Nursing Degree

Nursing is one of the fastest growing professions within the United States. There are various disciplines nurses can specialize in. The following are just a few examples of possible fields aspiring nurses can enter:

  • Radiology nurses - work with patients preparing for and receiving x-rays
  • Perioperative nurses - help surgeons performing surgical procedures
  • Infusion nurses - prepare patients for, and administer intravenous fluid injections
  • Hospice nurses - assist dying patients
  • Emergency nurses - work in emergency rooms
  • Critical care nurses - assist patients within intensive care facilities
  • Ambulatory nurses - assist people receiving care in medical and physicians' clinics

Just as there are numerous nursing specialties, there are numerous certification and college degree programs one may complete to begin a nursing career. Some nursing positions can be obtained with an associate's degree, but most nursing jobs are filled by people with bachelor's degrees. Aspiring nurses interested in management or supervisory opportunities should earn a master's degree. Each state also mandates that potential nurses satisfy licensing requirements.

Explore associate's, bachelor's, and graduate degree programs in nursing administered by accredited schools that are available online and campus locations nationwide.

Nursing Degrees and Programs

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