Teacher Aide and Assisting Degrees

Teacher aides and assistants help teachers in various capacities both inside and outside of the classroom. They can be responsible for teaching lessons, assisting students on an individual basis, correcting tests, supervising students on field trips, and performing various duties.

Entry-level teacher aide positions can be obtained with an associate's degree or professional certificate (Certificate in Early Childhood Studies). Those pursuing the certification route can usually complete their studies one in one year. Students in certificate programs will also learn how to handle children with special needs and utilize educational technology.

Those interested in receiving a more in-depth education can earn an associate's degree, also referred to as an associate's degree in paraprofessional education. Students enrolled in this program will be required to complete general education credits, in addition to credits earned specifically in teacher aide and assisting.

Below you can explore certificate and associate's degree programs that can qualify you for a job as a teacher's aide or assistant.

Teacher Aide and Assisting Degree Programs

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