Adult Education Degrees

More adults than ever before are returning to school to learn about new technology, enhance their job marketability and obtain an advanced degree. As many of these individuals have full-time jobs, online, distance learning and correspondence degree programs are growing in popularity due to their flexibility. These programs make it possible for busy individuals to obtain a college-level education.

Adult education professionals specialize in utilizing teaching strategies and methods intended for adult learners. They are responsible for developing courses and education programs that can be accessed by adults and that match their educational needs.Adult education degrees, courses and programs prepare educators to provided superior post-secondary education curriculum and programs to aspiring adults who are returning to earn a college degree.

The following are possible opportunities for people interested in a career in adult education:

  • ESL teachers
  • GED teachers
  • Adult literacy instructors
  • Vocational or career teachers
  • Corporate instructors
  • Online teaching specialists
  • Self-improvement teachers

There is not a single prescribed route to enter the field of adult education; however, most entry-level positions in adult education can only be obtained with a bachelor's degree. To teach at a community college, work as a corporate trainer, or teach ESL students, it's advisable to earn a master's degree. Individuals obtaining degrees in adult education are not certified to teach at elementary and secondary schools.

Below you can explore career-oriented undergraduate and graduate degree programs in adult education that can be earned online or at a physical campus location.

Adult Education Degrees and Programs

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