Physical & Health Education Degrees

Many secondary and elementary schools are placing special emphasis on physical education since many American children are struggling with obesity and the health problems the come with it. Educators who love sports and have a desire to promote physical fitness can make a big difference as a physical education teacher. Many physical education teachers also work as coaches for school and private league teams and as personal trainers.

College degree programs in physical education are available at all levels, and many schools now offer programs that can be completed entirely online. Students enrolled in physical and health education programs at the college level will receive an extensive education in health and physical education.

To work as a physical education teacher at an elementary and secondary school, a bachelor's degree is required, but a master's degree is preferred. Likewise, you'll also be required to complete licensing requirements in your respective state. Certain states require physical education teachers to obtain a master's degree within a few years after becoming licensed.

Those obtaining graduate degrees can qualify for coaching jobs, athletic program director positions, and other physical education jobs. Additionally, those interested in specializing in a specific area of physical education can find many schools that offer specialized programs, such as exercise physiology, kinesiology, stress management, and sports psychology.

Below you can explore physical and health education programs that can be completed online or on campus.

Physical and Health Education Degree Programs

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