Education Administration Degrees

Significant job opportunities for education administrators are expected over the next decade. Numerous positions for education administrators will open up at elementary and secondary schools, as well as colleges and universities. Additionally, school administrators are among the highest paid of education professionals. During 2012, elementary, secondary, and college administrators had average salares that exceeded $87,000 a year.

Education administrators will play an particularly important role during the next few years as many school districts begin the processes of raising educational standards, in spite of budget cuts. Education administrators are responsible for supervising an education institution's daily operations, assisting teachers with any problems they encounter, and making sure high education standards are adhered to. Day care centers, elementary and secondary schools, and colleges and universities all employ school administrators.

Most school districts, private schools, colleges and universities require applicants to have at minimum a master's degree in education administration and many prefer a PhD. In fact, it's quite common for school administrators to hold a doctorate degree.

Below you can explore education administration master's and doctorate programs that can be completed online or at one of several campuses located throughout the nation.

Education Administration Degrees and Programs

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