Career and Job Search Guide

Engineering Technicians

Engineering technicians apply math, engineering, and various sciences to fix technical malfunctions in a variety of professions. These professionals have more specific responsibilities than other engineering and science professionals. Frequently, engineering technicians help engineers conduct research while some specialize in quality assurance.

Engineering technicians employed by companies specializing in product development have the following responsibilities: assisting engineers, collecting and recording data, coordinating experiments, and assembling equipment. To develop new products, engineering technicians utilize computer aided design and drafting (CADD) technology.

Engineering technicians are usually employed by companies in similar industries as engineers, so job titles usually indicate expertise in a particular specialty.

  • Aerospace engineering and operations technicians assemble, repair, and conduct durability tests on airplanes and rocket ships. These technicians adjust testing devices and diagnose malfunctions. Moreover, they document and analyze the results from these tests.

  • Civil engineering technicians collaborate with civil engineers during road and other infrastructure projects, in addition to research associated with these projects. Some technicians also estimate project expenses, develop blueprints, assist with land surveys, or select project supplies. Some prepare and oversee equipment utilized to determine factors affecting traffic.

  • Electrical and electronics engineering technicians assist with the development and quality assurance processes during electronic and electrical product production. To conduct quality assurance work, they utilize diagnostic equipment designed to fine tune or test new products.

  • Electromechanical engineering technicians unite the basic concepts of mechanical engineering with circuit technology to design and produce new mechanical technology operated by computers. They perform work similar to mechanical and electrical or electronics technicians.

  • Environmental engineering technicians collaborate with scientists and engineers specializing in environmental technology designed to preserve and protect the environment. They examine and repair machines used to reduce pollution and recycle resources. Select technicians evaluate waste water treatment facilities to make sure pollution is not entering the environment.

  • Industrial engineering technicians research methods intended to better utilize resources and materials used in manufacturing and other work settings. For example, these technicians determine where to place machines, determine work flow outputs, conduct statistical research, and review manufacturing expenses.

  • Mechanical engineering technicians assist engineers during the development and production phases of industrial equipment and consumer goods manufacturing. For example, many prepare product reliability and safety tests. They can be responsible for designing blueprints, keeping data, completing calculations, and reporting on test results. During manufacturing, these technicians prepare blueprints detailing manufacturing processes. Moreover, they determine labor expenses, machine wear and tear, and available factory space. They frequently assist engineers to decrease manufacturing difficulties, and they examine equipment for malfunctions.