Career and Job Search Guide

Computer Systems Software Engineer Salary and Wage Information

  Percentile 10% (Low) 50% (Median) 90% (High)
  Hourly Wage $25.76 $41.04 $60.46
  Annual Wage $53,600 $85,400 $125,800
  • "10% (Low)" indicates that 10% of workers earned less and 90% earned more.
  • "50% (Median)" indicates that 50% of workers earned less and 50% earned more.
  • "90% (High)" indicates that 90% of workers earned less and 10% earned more.
  • "N/A" indicates that data is not available
* The annual salary and wage data presented above represents U.S. based workers with full-time employment and year-round schedules.

 Career Description
Computer Software Engineers, Systems Software Research, design, develop, and test operating systems-level software, compilers, and network distribution software for medical, industrial, military, communications, aerospace, business, scientific, and general computing applications. Set operational specifications and formulate and analyze software requirements. Apply principles and techniques of computer science, engineering, and mathematical analysis.