Education Technology Degrees

Teachers and other educators frequently utilize technology during classroom lessons and presentations. Education technology specialists are responsible for developing methods to implement and employ technology in classrooms. They're also responsible for determining ways in which technology can be used to assist people as they learn in school, at work, and other environments. The main goal of education technology is to enhance education effectiveness and efficiency, and make it more accessible. This is especially pertinent right now as many school districts must make spending cuts and are looking for ways to be more efficient.

Perhaps the best way to begin a career in education technology is to earn a bachelor's or graduate degree in this field. Students who pursue an advanced degree will learn the skills and knowledge necessary to effectively implement education technology in the classroom and a variety of environments.

Below you can explore college degree program in education technology that are offered online via distance learning or at campus locations nationwide. Specializations in instructional and curriculum technology are also available.

Education Technology Degrees and Programs

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