Child Care Degrees

Child care specialists are employed by parents, day care centers, and varies private, educational and non-profit organizations. They are often involved in after-school educational programs. Even though these specialists spend most of their time with children, they frequently meet with parents, teachers, and school administrators to discuss problems, discipline, and other child development issues. Working in this field can be very demanding, but most child care specialists thoroughly enjoy working with children.

Day care centers, schools and organizations that hire child care specialists typically prefer applicants with an associate's degree or bachelor's degree in child care, child development or a related field. Universities and colleges, community colleges, and trade schools typically offer undergraduate degrees in child care and/or child development that will prepare students for entry-level career opportunities. Many schools now offer these degrees online or via a distance learning program. Students have the option of obtaining a professional certification and college degrees at all levels.

Child Care Degrees and Programs

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