Teaching License Degrees

Aspiring teachers who want to teach at public or private schools must first obtain a teaching license. Each state has different licensing requirements, but most states require that prospective teachers hold a bachelor's degree, complete a student teaching internship, and pass a state licensing exam. Certain states also require that teachers complete a master's degree within a few years after becoming licensed.

Many colleges and universities offer online and campus-based programs intended for students desiring to obtain a teaching license. Those who already possess a bachelor's degree can complete a licensing program in just one year.

Students enrolled in teacher licensing programs will learn about teaching methods and other strategies that will enable them to be effective teachers. Additionally, students in licensing programs will complete a supervised student teaching assignment. For full-time teachers there are now licensing programs that can be completed entirely online via the Internet.

Below you can explore various online and campus-based teacher licensing programs that can be completed online or college campus.

Teaching License Degrees and Programs

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