Career and Job Search Guide

Best Companies With Highest Percentage of Telecommuters

Of 85 Best Companies that allow employees to telecommute or work at home at least 20% of the time, we've listed below the top 10 companies with the highest percentage of telecommuters.

Company Best Companies Rank % of Telecommuters
Deloitte  70 93%
Cisco  16 85%
Brocade Communications Systems  61 70%
Intel   98 70%
PricewaterhouseCoopers  71 70%
Accenture   84 67%
S. C. Johnson & Son  83 41%
American Fidelity Assurance Co. 35 36%
NetApp  7 30%
Shared Technologies   33 26%
*Average annual pay: yearly pay rate plus additional cash compensation for the largest classification of full-time salaried and hourly employees.