Career and Job Search Guide

Career Objective

A well thought out career objective can help you determine your career goals. Your career objective and summary statement establish your resume's tone, so you should keep both statements short.

Your objective should reflect your career goals. Even if you do not write your objective on your resume, brainstorm, and come up with a career objective since it will help you write a focused resume reflecting your career goals. Remove anything on your resume contradicting your career objective.

Employers sometimes review resumes before cover letters, so a well-written career objective can capture an employer's interest.

The career objective summarizes what you hope to achieve in your career, so an employer can read your career objective and get an idea of what to expect from you if they were to hire you. Some objective statements refer to specific jobs within a company. When writing your statement, consider writing a broad statement, encompassing many possible opportunities.

A good career objective statement may improve your chances of winning an interview. Do not use vague descriptions since these statements are meaningless to employers.

An effective career objective statement refers to a specific job category, such as "office position" rather than "data entry clerk." Being too specific may prevent you from being considered for openings within a company. You can also mention a specific industry, such as "the communication industry" to adapt it to suit a potential employer. Highlight your specific skills that may interest potential employers. Be sure to focus on why you would benefit a company, not why the company would benefit you.

Example Career Objective: To obtain an entry-level office position where my word-processing computer skills and attention to detail may be fully utilized.
