Career and Job Search Guide

Thank-You Notes

Thanking someone is not only courteous, it is an effective strategy for finding a job. Writing a thank you note provides you another opportunity to promote yourself and can impress your potential employer.

Who gets a thank-you note?

Send thank you notes to employers, employment contacts, references, and after each job interview.

Send thank you notes to anyone providing a referral or granting you an informational interview.

How do I say thank you?

There are other ways to thank someone other than mailing thank you notes. You can thank someone in person or over the phone. Determine how to thank someone based on their preferences. The best approach will depend on the recipient's preference and your personal style. This criteria will help you determine whether to send an informal note or a more formal letter.

What should I include in my thank-you note?
  • Thank the interviewer for the opportunity
  • Continue to express interest in the job
  • Restate your qualifications
  • Additional information you did not mention in the interview
  • A concluding statement of appreciation for their consideration
  • A Specific date and time when you will follow up after the interview
Any other thank-you letter or note writing tips?
  • Write the note no later than a day after the interview, even if it did not go well
  • Be brief, but include the information noted above
  • Address the interviewer by their name and title
  • Send separate thank you notes to each person that interviewed you