Computer and Technology Education Degrees

Technology educators teach students in classrooms about computer literacy and information systems. Some work as technical consultants for companies, often in addition to teaching. They must be knowledgeable about computer hardware and software, computer programming, computer networking, and other technical subjects.

Most school districts that employ elementary and secondary school teachers only hire individuals who have earned bachelor's degrees in education technology-related fields and have satisfied state licensing requirements. Companies that employ technology educators typically prefer to hire individuals holding bachelor's degrees, but those holding master's degrees will have better job opportunities and enhanced earning potential.

While you can earn your degree in technology education on campus, many schools are now offering online computer and technology education degree programs. These programs are flexible, convenient and can be complete whenever or wherever you choose. They're ideal for working educators who want to earn an advanced degree in technology education while maintaining a full-time job.

Computer and Technology Education Degree Programs

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