Nurse Educator

Nurse educators teach classes in nurse training programs. They're registered nurses who typically continue working as nurses part-time.

Nurse educators teach classes at hospitals, colleges, and nursing schools. They're responsible for creating lesson plans, teaching classes, and supervising students receiving clinical training. Specialists usually teach nursing informatics, and pediatric, geriatric, and obstetrician nursing classes.

Nurse educators typically possess years of clinical experience. Regardless of whether they continue practicing, nurse educators are required to stay up to date with new technology and nursing procedures.

Many experienced nurse educators get promoted to management and administrative positions, write nursing textbooks, and design nursing education programs.

Working Conditions

Nurse educators usually work at technical and community colleges, nursing schools, and hospitals. Many work at hospitals as clinical supervisors or staff development personnel. Some work 9 months a year. Nurse educators usually do not work late night or early morning hours.

Nurse educators spend many hours daily preparing for lectures, teaching classes, grading tests, counseling students, and completing administrative tasks. Educators with clinical responsibilities rotate between campus and a local hospital or health clinic. Some nurse educators conduct research and submit articles to academic journals.

Teaching can be demanding, so educators must be able to multi-task. Many schools expect nurse educators to join professional organizations and speak at seminars. Many sit on academic committees and write proposals to request additional funding for their schools.

Nurse educators usually enjoy their jobs. They enjoy associating with students and preparing them for nursing careers.

Career Training and Education

Nursing educators are required to be licensed registered nurses and have years of nursing experience. They typically hold graduate degrees. It's also advisable to obtain a teaching certificate or degree.

Additionally, nurse educators need to be effective teachers. In other words, they need excellent public speaking, communication, and interpersonal skills and be able to explain difficult concepts clearly.

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